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Activity Report #21: October 14, 2003

Carlos Ghosn Seminar Summary: September 25, 2003

Takahiro MIYAO (Professor, GLOCOM, and Head, Japanese Institute of Global Communications)

Carlos Ghosn Seminar : Summary
Carlos Ghosn on International Management
Date/Time:September 25 (Thursday) 16:00-18:00
Place:Nissan Tokyo Office
Program:1. Introduction
Kimio Kase (Professor, International University of Japan)
Representatives from Spain and France
2. Presentation on International Management
Carlos Ghosn (CEO, Nissan)
3. Questions and Answers
Video:Carlos Ghosn Presentation (Windows Media Player 360kb)

After a brief introduction by Dr. Kimio Kase who is the main organizer of this seminar, Mr. Carlos Ghosn (CEO of Nissan) gave the following talk in front of the audience including professors and students from the International University of Japan as well as European participants through a TV conferencing system at the Nissan Tokyo office on September 25, 2003.

Summary of Mr. Ghosn's talk: (See Video for his full presentation)
International management is the right field to get into in the globalized world, but studying accounts for only 5% and the remaining 95% should be learned by actual experience in international management. Regarding international management there are some important points to be made:

First, diversity is an opportunity for creating value and innovation. There are various kinds of diversity, from cultural diversity to diversity in expertise, but diversity of any kind with various differences is an opportunity for better performance and new ideas.

Second, crossing differences is the most important responsibility of international managers. Although it is not easy to mix different people and make them work together, it is the manager's responsibility to do so in order to create better and successful relationships. Mixing similar people would be easier but less productive.

Third, respect and interest are key elements for a successful relationship among different kinds of people in international management. We should show our respect for and interest in others' different characteristics and learn from them. We must pay respect to all stakeholders (stockholders, employees, customers, etc.) for sustainable management.

Above all, we need to realize that international management is a mindset, or a constantly evolving mindset to be exact. It is important to learn and grow as a manager. Learning makes you a better person and makes your team a winning team.

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